Políticas de Privacidad

Última actualización octubre 2023

Bigporject is committed to ensuring that your “Personal Data” (as explained below) is used fairly, lawfully, and securely and that your privacy is protected at all times. We place high importance on compliance with the applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulations, including, but not limited to the European Union (EU) Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

This Privacy Notice is intended to tell you how we “process” (as explained below) information about you ("Personal Data" as explained below) that you provide to us or that we collect through your use of this website or your subscription to marketing communications (collectively our “Services”) , or when you engage with us on social media or otherwise interact with us. It also applies if explicit reference is made to it via link or in a similar manner. Wherever we process your Personal Data and a different privacy notice is required (e.g. for other specific websites or portals), Bigporject will provide a specific privacy notice. This Privacy Notice supplements other privacy notices and is not intended to override them.

This Privacy Notice explains what Personal Data we collect, store, use, disclose and transfer (hereinafter “process”), how we do it, for which purpose and what our legal bases are. It also provides you with information on your rights under the GDPR and how you can contact us if want to exercise your rights or have a complaint.


Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la recopilación, el procesamiento o el uso de sus Datos personales o si desea ejercer sus derechos, comuníquese con nosotros a:

Correo electrónico: legal@bigproject.dev

Número teléfonico: +593 98 143 8375

Dirección: Edificio Del Portal Oficina 305 Av. Monseñor Enrique Juhles 335 1.5 KM, Av. Samborondón, Guayaquil 092301

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